Defective Car Part Claims: Holding Manufacturers Accountable in Car Accidents

Malfunctions from defective car part claims can have severe consequences in car accidents, causing injuries and even loss of life. Therefore, understanding the legal aspects and potential manufacturer liability for resulting damages is crucial to ensure the responsible party is held accountable for their actions or negligence. 

In most cases, navigating these complex third-party liability claims requires expertise that effectively supports those affected by such unfortunate incidents.

Understanding Defective Car Part Claims

 In defective car parts cases, distinctions exist between after-market and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts. While OEM parts are often more reliable, they come at a higher cost. It’s advisable to demand OEM parts for replacements in a repair shop.

Conversely, after-market car parts lack government oversight, being generally inexpensive but potentially of inferior quality. However, cost-effectiveness doesn’t guarantee infallibility. If a manufacturing or shipment error occurs, holding the manufacturer accountable for injuries resulting from the defective car part is possible.

Common Types of Defective Auto Parts 

A typical passenger car has approximately 30,000 integral parts for safe operation. A malfunction in just one part can compromise the entire vehicle, potentially leading to a severe accident. A car wreck lawyer in Houston can address claims related to various defective auto parts, which include:

  • Brake systems
  • Airbags
  • Seats and seat belts
  • Ignition switches
  • Steering systems
  • Accelerator controls
  • Wiring systems
  • Tires and wheels
  • Fuel systems and gas tanks
  • Vehicle frames
  • Engines
  • Transmissions
  • Clutches
  • Lights
  • After-market parts
  • Truck components such as  load straps
  • Motorcycle components and protective gear 

Defective Auto Parts: The Unseen Hazard

Issues with auto parts can arise at any stage of the manufacturing process, from design flaws to faulty production or inadequate quality control. These defects can encompass various components, including brakes, tires, airbags, ignition systems, and electronic control modules.

Manufacturer Liability: The Legal Landscape

When a car accident traces back to a defective auto part, the legal concept of manufacturer liability becomes pivotal. Manufacturers involved in the design, production, and distribution of auto parts can be held legally responsible for damages resulting from product defects.

Strict Product Liability

One avenue for seeking compensation in cases of defective auto parts is through strict product liability. This doctrine holds manufacturers strictly accountable for product defects, irrespective of negligence. To establish liability, victims must only demonstrate that the product was defective and caused harm.

Negligence Claims

Apart from strict product liability, victims may pursue negligence claims against manufacturers. This requires demonstrating that the manufacturer breached its duty of care, leading to the production or distribution of a defective auto part that caused harm.

Breach Of Warranty

Manufacturers commonly offer warranties, either express or implied, asserting the safety and suitability of their products. If a damaged auto part causes an accident, victims can pursue a breach of warranty claim against the manufacturer for failing to uphold these assurances.

Contact Attorney Joseph Plumbar to Discuss Your Legal Options

In the face of auto part defects, Attorney Joseph Plumbar is your trusted ally, committed to your legal well-being.

Contact The Law Office of Joseph K. Plumbar today to schedule a free case review. Don’t delay; your legal resolution is just a call away. 

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